The person who wishes to attest a power of attorney, has to call on the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Dubai, along with the dully prepared power of attorney prepared in consultation with a lawyer or an expert having expertise in preparing such documents.
- Original power of attorney with a copy.
- Original passport of the applicant with a copy of the biodata page (Please note that the original passport and a copy is mandatory for certification process)
If you are a foreign national/company in UAE requiring a Power of Attorney attested by the Consulate General, please note the following.
Consular Officers cannot administer the signing of Powers of Attorney of a person who is not a Sri Lankan or a Dual Citizen of Sri Lanka or companies established in the UAE. Such persons/representatives, should attested Powers of Attorney in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE (MOFA) prior submitting the same to the Consulate General.
AED 250.00 per Power of Attorney
Note that now you can do the payments in Cash or Credit/Debit Cards. (An administrative fee will be charged by the bank)
You can submit the application to the Consular Division of the Consulate General by hand. The Consular Division is open from Monday to Friday (8.30 am to 1.00 pm), except declared holidays.