

The Consulate General office restarts its mobile service in Fujairah.

The Consulate General Office of Sri Lanka to Dubai and Northern Emirates successfully conducted a Mobile Service Programme on 26.03.2021 in Fujairah, a far Northern Emirate that comes under the jurisdiction of this office. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic the aforesaid mobile service had been suspended following safety protocols. The mobile [...]

Sri Lanka Agriculture Exhibition 11th – 16th December 2018 – BMICH Colombo, Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA AGRICULTURE EXHIBITION 11TH – 16TH DECEMBER 2018 – BMICH COLOMBO, SRI LANKA October 10, 2018 The Ministry of Agriculture of Sri Lanka is organizing an Agriculture Exhibition from December 11th -16th 2018 at Bandaranayke Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) in Colombo Sri Lanka. The exhibition will primarily focus on the modernization of Sri Lanka’s [...]

Colombo Bridal Week – 2018

M/s GIDA International (Pvt) Ltd, has planned to organize the above event with the participation of international and Local Gem & Jewellery Traders, Buyers and the other industry stakeholders. The M/s GIDA International (Pvt) Ltd, has planned to conduct an international Gem Show, Sri Lankan Jewellery Show, Gem Auction and Jewellery Branding Model Show [...]

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Investment Policy

Foreign ownership is welcome in almost all sectors of the economy, except a few regulated areas. Investors are permitted to repatriate 100% of their profits and exempted from most of the exchange control regulations. They can also enjoy preferential tax benefits and constitutional guarantees on their investment. Sri Lanka: A Regional Trading Hub Being strategically located at the [...]

By | 2017-07-20T11:58:21+00:00 March 17th, 2016|Economy, Sri Lanka, Trading|Comments Off on Sri Lanka’s Foreign Investment Policy