Construction of the World’s tallest x-mas tree being carried out at Galle Face Green, which was halted recently has been recommenced following the instruction given by the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to the Minister of Port and Shipping Arjuna Ranathunghe.
According to the Chairman of the organizing Committee, PM Wickremesinghe and Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake have yesterday met with the Arch Bishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith and this issue has been discussed. Later the Premier has informed the Port Minister to recommence and continue the constructions of the x-mas tree.
The Committee Chairman said, “A group of people has informed the Arch Bishop that the constructions are being carried out with the government’s money. But, neither the money of government nor the Port Ministry are used for construction. Constructions are based only on personnel funds. They are also not financial funds, but physical assistance.”.
Parallel to the world’s tallest x-mas tree program several social services such as granting presents to poor children and providing donations for the national kidney fund will also be held. The x-mas tree is expected to open on 20th December as scheduled early.