A Sri Lankan citizen by descent or by registration can apply for a Sri Lankan Passport. The current “N Series” ordinary passports are valid for 10 years unless otherwise mentioned.
Validity of a passport cannot be extended beyond 10 years from the date of issuance. On the expiry of passport, or if there are no pages for visa endorsement, a new passport should be obtained.
Applications must be lodged well in advance of the expiry of the current passport. However, if you are applying for a New Passport prior to one year or more to the expiry date of the current passport, you must provide a letter with the reason.
- You can also apply for a New Passport if your Passport is lost/stolen (More details).
- New Passport for children under age 16 (Minor Applicants) are issued with the consent of both the parents (More details).
- Duly filled Application – [Download Application Form]
- Current Original Passport.
- Copies of the Original Passport
- A photocopy of the Data Page of the current Passport (Page No. 2 & 3).
- A photocopy of the Observation and Alteration page of the current Passport (Page No. 4 & 5).
- Three recent coloured photographs of the applicant
- Photograph background colour: White
- Size: 3.5cm x 4.5cm
- Ears, forehead and shape of the face should be clearly visible without makeup and other effects. Photographs that were taken with spectacles and vermilion dots (“Mottu”) on forehead will not be accepted.
- Photographs should be taken within three (3) months physically appearing at a studio
- Photographs submitted for visa are not accepted even if they were taken within 03 months prior to the date of application.
- Background and the dress should not be in same colour
- Photographs which are not as per the above specifications will not be accepted.
- Supporting documents to prove the profession, if required to include the profession to the data page of the Passport
- Educational, Higher Educational and Professional qualifications to prove the professions such as Doctor, Engineer, Accountant, Quantity Surveyor etc.
- A letter from the company indicating the exact designation/title for other executive job categories. Original letter should be submitted.
- No documents are required for unskilled job categories such as Housemaid, Labourer etc.
- Please note that the profession which was mentioned in your visa is not sufficient to prove your profession when applying for a new Passport.
- Duel Citizenship Certificate and a copy of the respective foreign Passport, if the applicant is a Duel Citizen
- National Identity Card and a copy (Only if the NIC number mention in the current passport differs).
Please note that all the applicants above age of 16 should produce a the NIC.
Please note that if an applicant is born outside Sri Lanka and over 21 years of ages, who wishes to retain the citizenship of Sri Lanka, a declaration should be submitted affirming to retain Sri Lankan citizenship (Download the format).
The new Passport will be issued approximately within 90 days after direction of the duly submitted applications to the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka. No express services or one day services are available.
However, kindly note that the Department of Immigration and Emigration has the full discretion to consider certain criteria (which include discrepancies of the photographs, the NIC number submitted etc.) prior to issuance of a travel document and therefore the time taken for issuance of such travel document may vary.
Please note that the applicant should be presented to submit the application.
The applicant himself must visit the Consulate General and produce the current original passport and the payment receipt to collect the new Passport.
- Passport for All Countries – AED 580.00
Note that now you can do the payments in Cash or Credit/Debit Cards. (An administrative fee will be charged by the bank)
Approximately 90 days
- Application should be filled in English, preferably in BLOCK letters
- Write one letter in each box. Leave one box blank between two names.
- Three photographs should be furnished as specified in the application.
- Place the signatures in both cages, without touching the lines.
- Mention your Mobile number. An SMS will be sent to this number once the passport is ready.
- Mention your residential address in UAE including the Emirate.
- Carefully read the declaration and signature should be placed after having read understood the declaration.
The following acts committed to obtain a passport are offences under Act No 20 of 1948 ammended by Act No. 16 of 1955, Act No. 68 of 1961, Act No. 16 of 1993, Act No. 42 of 1998, Act No. 31 of 2006 and Act No. 07 of 2015.
- Providing false information
- producing fraud or false documents
- applying for another passport whist having a valid passport
- Use of a passport of some other person
- Changing the passport fraudulently
- Obtaining a passport producing the documents of some other person
You can submit the application to the Consular Division of the Consulate General by hand. The Consular Division is open from Monday to Friday (8.30 am to 1.00 pm).