Compensation for Salawa residents to be given from Tuesday

/, Sri Lanka/Compensation for Salawa residents to be given from Tuesday

Houses and property destroyed people at the Salawa armory explosion will be given compensation from Tuesday (14th June).

According to the Colombo District Secretary Sunil Kannangara, 76 government valuation officers are already engaged in valuations of the destroyed properties.

The report prepared by these officers will be submitted to the Divisional Secretary of Seethawaka tomorrow(13th June) and the compensation granting process will be started then.

Nearly 654 houses and buildings have been reported as destroyed by the armory explosion.

Public are requested to contact 036-37 98 616 or 036-37 98 617 to make complains or to report related problems.

Original Article

By | 2016-06-12T09:21:04+00:00 June 12th, 2016|News, Sri Lanka|0 Comments