Press Releases

/Press Releases

World Sapphire Auction & Exhibition – Dubai

Consul General Nalinda Wijerathna participated in the inauguration of World Sapphire Auction & Exhibition which was held for the first time at the Dubai Multi Commodity Centre (DMCC). This is a specialized auction and exhibition focused on Sapphires and the objective of the event is to promote the valuable gemstones on a [...]

By | 2023-01-08T11:21:43+00:00 November 25th, 2022|Dubai, News, Press Releases, Special Notice|0 Comments

Minister of Environment of Sri Lanka attended the 8th World Green Economic Summit (WGES)

Hon. Dr. Naseer Ahmed, Minister of Environment of Sri Lanka attended the 8th World Green Economic Summit (WGES) which was hosted by the UAE Government and organized by the Dubai electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and the World Green Economy Organization (WGOE) from 28 -29 September 2022 in Dubai. Addressing the Ministerial Roundtable, the [...]

By | 2022-10-01T17:44:13+00:00 September 30th, 2022|Dubai, Events, News, Press Releases, Sri Lanka|0 Comments

Permitting Sri Lanka’s migrant workers to import electric vehicle

Sri Lanka’s Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara has issued a circular allowing migrant workers to import an electric vehicle in an attempt to incentivise remitting money through formal channels.

By | 2022-09-05T05:57:48+00:00 September 5th, 2022|Economy, Press Releases, Special Notice, Sri Lanka|0 Comments

Central Bank of Sri Lanka joins hands with the Foreign Employment Bureau to promote the Lanka Remit mobile application

With the aim of popularizing the LankaRemit National Remittance Mobile Application among migrant workers, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) and the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) held a ceremony on 26 August 2022 at SLBFE to demonstrate its features. LankaRemit provides Sri Lankan expatriates with access to a fast, secure [...]

By | 2022-09-05T05:53:53+00:00 September 5th, 2022|Economy, News, Press Releases, Sri Lanka|0 Comments

Celebration of International Tea Day

International Tea Day is a United Nations observance celebrated annually on May 21 to express the economical, biological and physical benefits of tea. It was inaugurated by the General Assembly and essentially replaced the unofficial observance of the same name, which used to be celebrated on December 15 in tea producing countries. [...]

By | 2022-05-21T06:52:56+00:00 May 21st, 2022|News, Press Releases, Sri Lanka|0 Comments